How to Hack Wifi Password 2022

 i'm  gonna show you how can you actually hack  into wi-fi network and gain its password  so before we get started a quick  disclaimer that please make sure that  you learn something from this and the  tools that we are going to use today  please don't try to hack and test on  others network and get in some kind of  illegal activities so with that being

  said let's get started  so this article  will be split up to four  steps step number one will be putting  your wi-fi card to monitor mode the step  number two will be actually capturing  the available wi-fi networks around you  the third step is to actually capture  the wpa handshake from our victim and  the fourth step will be actually  cracking the wpa handshake and getting  the passwords ultimately  let us get to our first step which is  actually installing our tools  but i haven't included that in our steps  because it's actually already installed  on kali linux if you  are using that but for me i'm using lens  mint so i have to actually install that  track  password  and  it's already installed i didn't know  that  so now let us start with step number one  which is actually put your wi-fi card to  monitor mode for that first type in  ifconfig  and it should return something like this  and you should get the name of the  wireless wi-fi card of the device for me  it's wl p1 s0  and let me just clear that  and type in  airman in g  star wl 31 s0  oops guys forgot to  give it root for villages so  and you can see  something like this  you can see the information about your  driver the chipset that you're using  etc etc and now you can see the wi-fi is  disconnected for device that means  you have put your wi-fi card to monitor  mode so now if this works now we have  actually successfully  managed to put our  wireless  card to monitor mode now you have to  actually check if this thing  captures  anything so for that type in sudo  sudo a road dumping  dumping and you can see your  wireless card's name has been changed to  w  l p 1 s 0 mod that means you have to  type in w l p 1 s 0 mod which stands for  my interval type enter and it should  show something like this  and you can see something is actually  popping up on my screen  you should also probably get something  like this so now we have successfully  completed two steps which was first step  number one which is actually for your  wi-fi card to monitor mode and the  second step was to actually capture the  wireless networks around you  so now we are moving on to the step  number three which is actually capture a  wp handshake from our victim our victim  over here is this one which is  let me just go

ahead and copy that  now we are at step number three to  actually capture the wp handshake of our  victim  so for that we are going to open up a  new terminal and type in sudo  something dumping  or something  and you have to pass the bssid which you  have targeting on so which will be this  one that i copied earlier so paste that  now you have to actually pass the  channel number which we are listening on  it will be channel 9  and now we have to actually  write the capture data to a file which  will be wpa  and type in the monitor name of  the card  p10  more that enter  and it will show  like this  so basically what it does is that it  will actually wait for a client to  actually disconnect from the ap and  actually reconnect from the access point  so resulting we will be capturing a wpa  handshake from the victim so now let us  go ahead and stop this and wait for the  victim to actually disconnect and  reconnect and hopefully we'll get  a capture handshake  a few moments later  there we are we got the handshake that  would be handshake on the base id and it  has been saved to the wpa  file  so now after capturing the wpa handshake  if you look inside the directory you can  see something like this wpa one dot cab  file and different kinds of file enable  that  so we are interested in wpa1 dot cap  file  now we are going to actually decrypt the  password for that type in sudo  aircrack  ng oops here correct ng  and pass the file name which would be  wpa  uh one  cap file  then  pass the word list which we are using to  actually decrypt the password  w  and the word list file  press type render and you can see we got  the key which is one two three four five  six seven eight  we have found the key of the access  point this is fast because we only have  about 25 keys to be tested and it only  had tested seven keys to find the  password  so if you're on kali linux there will be  a file name rocket or txt inside slash  word list you can use that if you  have a big password to crack on  so  it will take some time to actually crack  the password but hopefully we got the  password  so now we have to actually stop the  monitor mode and revert it back to  normal mode right  so for that type in sudo


airman  ng  stop and the card name which will be w1  p1 s0 more and type enter  and it will be reverted back to normal  mode and let me just go ahead and test  if the password was correct  so you can see wi-fi is showing up  victims wi-fi if i type in one two three  four five six seven eight and if i  connect  you can see we have connected to the  victim's wifi over here  so guys thank you for watching make sure  that you Like Thank You
